Solaris Package Archive -- SymbEL 3.0

Solaris Package Archive

SymbEL 3.0

Mark <>

What is it
SymbEL (known as SE) is an interpreted language that provides an extensive toolkit for building performance tools and utilities. If you are fed up with the limitations of vmstat, iostat and sar, then this is the tool for you. We provide trivial scripts that are improved versions of the basic utilities and build on them to provide powerful rule-based performance monitors and viewers.

This package has patch 3 already applied.

The extensions package includes a Motif-based GUI library and the rules package implements and extended Appendix A ruleset of the bestselling reference book Sun Performance and Tuning: SPARC and Solaris by Adrian Cockcroft from Sun Microsystems Press/Prentice Hall.

The rules are described in Adrian's online performance columns on System Performance Monitoring, Advanced Monitoring and Tuning, and SE2.5 and What the Actions Mean

For further information visit the SE 3.0 home page.

Special Installation Instructions
There is a very slightly modified installation sequence required for this software. I have combined all three of the SE 3.0 packages into one "tgz" file. This needs to be unpacked properly and then the three parts of SE need to be installed in the correct order.

    # cd /var/tmp
    # umask 0
    # gunzip -c SymbEL.3.0.Solaris.2.5-6.pkg.tgz | /usr/bin/tar -xvf -
    # pkgadd -d. RICHPse RICHPsex ANCrules

Once you have intiated the final command above you are executing the install sequence that Adrian and Rich developed. It asks you a number of questions and takes actions dependant on your answers. Questions from here on in should be directed to the email address below

Email To
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Solaris Issues
As some of you might have surmised, the provided SymbEL 3.0 package is able to be run on Solaris 2.5 through to Solaris 2.6 on both SPARC and i86pc architechture machines. Only users of those machines should attempt to install this version of the software.

Click here to read about the Solaris 7 packages.

Source Code
The authors, Adrian Cockcroft and Rich Pettit, do not provide source code for this utility. See the above web links to find the SE 3.0 home page to find the original SE 3.0 download site.

Special Issues
See the main packages README for installation information.