MySQLDB-Python 1.2.4b4 is a MySQL database connector for Python programming. It is a Python DB API-2.0-compliant interface.
The installation of mysqldb-python is
controlled by the package subsystem, thus it is quite easy to install and
upgrade when new versions become available.
Fetch the package and install it with:
# pkgadd -d mysqldb-python.1.2.4b4.SPARC.64bit.Solaris.10.pkg mysqldb-python
Issues To Be Aware Of
This version of MySQLDB-Python has been compiled against the Python 2.7.3 and MySQL 5.5.11 software. You should install those before installing this software.
The full required software list for this package is (in order):
mysql 5.5.11
python 2.7.3
distribute 0.6.28
Those packages will likely also have their own pre-requisite packages as well.
Solaris Issues
Each MySQLDB-Python package requires installation on the Solaris release it was built on. Only install the correct version for your system.