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UnixOS2 Mailing Lists

To help keep track of, and/or participate in any of the UnixOS2 projects, the following mailing lists have been established: The UnixOS2 mailing list(s) have ceased to exist.

UnixOS2 BugTrackers

The the UnixOS2 bug trackers have gone as well but you can try Netlabs.org or the OS/2 and eComStation newsgroups.

Material presented on these pages is ©copyright 2002-2004 The UnixOS2 Group and the pages' respective authors, unless otherwise noted. Verbatim copying and distribution of this entire article is permitted in any medium, provided this notice is preserved.
® OS/2 is a registered trademark of IBM Corporation.

document created: 2003-01-26 jr
last updated: 2005-08-21 im