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UnixOS2 Coffee Mug Want to support UnixOS2 but don't feel you have the programming whereabouts to contribute? Well, even being a user and contributing useful feedback and/or bug reports is a great way to participate.

What, you say? You want to go above and beyond the call of duty, but get some cool gear as well? Well, head on over to the UnixOS2 "store" and see what we've got available! By purchasing items from our CafePress store you not only reward yourself with cool items from the UnixOS2 project but proceeds from the purchases help to pay for the cost of bandwidth and perhaps even bribe a sys-admin or two.

Look for new items coming soon (and yes, suggestions are welcome)!


Material presented on these pages is ©copyright 2002-2004 The UnixOS2 Group and the pages' respective authors, unless otherwise noted. Verbatim copying and distribution of this entire article is permitted in any medium, provided this notice is preserved.
® OS/2 is a registered trademark of IBM Corporation.

document created: 2003-08-27 jr
last updated: 2003-11-11 jr