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What is UnixOS2?

The UnixOS/2 project aims to create a common set of guidelines to make it easier to install and use ported Unix applications on OS/2. Together with POSIX/2 and libemu this will lead to a complete Unix-like subsystem for OS/2.

More than just a set of guidelines for writing and porting software, UnixOS2 strives to optimise the work done by many programmers. By coordinating a common set of software packages and programmer's libraries, UnixOS2 will help ensure compatibility, a common directory structure, a forum for support, and avoid duplication of effort.

UnixOS2 Packages

The preferred method of distributing pre-compiled version of UnixOS2 software will be through UnixOS2 packages, modelled off of the Slackware Linux package system. These packages come in the form of a standard zip-compressed archive; and can be uncompressed using any unzip program that understands this format. The preferred program to use these packages will be the pkgtool, which reads a special configuration file within the archive which may contain additional setup information to aid in an automated install.

The primary home of UnixOS2 packages will be /mirrors/unixos2.org/pub/unixos2/packages/ which will contain the most up-to-date UnixOS2 ports available.

UnixOS2 Developers

Porting Guidelines

When porting an application to UnixOS2, the optimum goal is to have any changes rolled back into the original source so as to minimise the work of the UnixOS2 porters and at the same time maximise the benefits provided by any improvements to the original code by other coders.  Many projects do indeed seem to welcome the inclusion of source that allows their code to compile on other platforms.

If a project is unwilling to include UnixOS2-specific changes to the source code, then it is highly encouraged that the UnixOS2 "maintainer" of the port generate diffs against the original source that be included with the UnixOS2 source-code packages.  

UnixOS2 HOW-TO's

All UnixOS2 HOW-TO's should be prefixed with UX2 and post-fixed with HOW-TO to make the documents readily identifiable from other systems' HOW-TO files.  (Or perhaps find a better term than "HOW-TO"!)

How to Contribute

Current the UnixOS2 developers are looking for assistance in many different facets of the project. We are looking for people that are not only eager to port software, but to test software, help write documentation, and give us feedback on our projects.

The UnixOS2 mailing list is the way to get the pulse of the project, see the direction we are moving and help us work toward our goal.

Current Status

The UnixOS2 project is working toward a 1.0 "release".
The project status page will give a quick over-view to the current status of projects.

Material presented on these pages is ©copyright 2002-2004 The UnixOS2 Group and the pages' respective authors, unless otherwise noted. Verbatim copying and distribution of this entire article is permitted in any medium, provided this notice is preserved.
® OS/2 is a registered trademark of IBM Corporation.

document created: 2002-10-30 jr
last updated: 2003-07-31