Page 1: I Alien - Imaginario Colectivo
Page 2: Imagination - Indoor Race
Page 3: Inertie - International Rugby
Page 4: International Speedway - The Island of Dr. Destructo
Page 5: ISS - Ivan 'Ironman' Stewart's Super Off Road
Screenshot of Inertie
(Ubi Soft, 1987)
Reviewed by Pug

An evil alien called Zorglub is threatening the entire universe. He has devised a way to alter the very fabric of reality, thus wiping out all life. Several scientists devised a way to stop Zorglub before they themselves were taken prisoner. Your name is Buck Skygordon and you must visit each prison planet in your shuttle and free the scientists. The game is a flip-screen Thrust clone where you have to land your shuttle and make your way towards stranded scientists. They will ask you if they can enter your shuttle – but some may be cunning spies that will wreck it. Inertie boasts some lovely-looking visuals that spur you on, but the low-resolution graphics do cause problems. The lack of pixels on screen and narrow passages makes control of your shuttle frustratingly difficult. Perhaps this is the reason why you start the game with 21 lives.

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Screenshot of Infernal House
Infernal House (French)
(Lankhor, 1991)

It's Friday the 13th of April, 1990. You're a private detective, and your journalist friend Sophie disappeared three days ago while investigating the infernal house of Professor Tcherslawsky. You know from one of his colleagues, Rainer Gelehrtman, that he has worked on some diabolical experiments in the past, and fear the worst as you enter the house. But nothing can prepare you for the shocking and horrific fate that has befallen Sophie, and many other innocent people as well... This is a very nice French adventure which has some excellent graphics; the introduction sequence is very well done indeed and a welcome addition to the game. Although you can't save your current position, there is little opportunity for dying, but the game is still quite a challenge, with several secret rooms and clues to be discovered around the house.

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Screenshot of Infernal Runner
Infernal Runner
(Loriciels, 1985)

You are trapped in a labyrinth full of traps, and the only way to escape is by finding the five keys that will open the ten treasure chests scattered about the labyrinth. This is a simple yet delightful little platform game with a wide variety of devious traps to catch the player unawares. As well as avoiding the traps, you must also collect food regularly to avoid going hungry and therefore losing one of your five lives. Most of the traps can be negotiated with ease, although the first time you encounter a new one and are caught out, it merely increases the urge to try again. The graphics and music may be simple, but the game is really enjoyable, and it's worth playing to witness what happens when the player is killed on certain traps!

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Screenshot of Infidel
(Infocom, 1986)

You're an explorer in the Egyptian desert, hunting for a lost pyramid in a search for treasure – but your crew has deserted you and left you on your own. Can you find the pyramid and explore it before you die in the fierce heat? The plot of this text adventure game might be rather unoriginal, but as usual, Infocom turn it into something special, and in this game, there are lots of hieroglyphics to be deciphered, which will give you vital clues to solving the puzzles and traps that the Egyptians have left for treasure hunters! It's a reasonably hard adventure, but the ending is a bit of an anti-climax and there are a few bugs.

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Screenshot of The Inheritance
The Inheritance
(Infogrames, 1986)
Reviewed by Guillaume Chalard

Your aunt, an old eccentric who lived in America, has just died. She has left you her colossal fortune, but she wanted you to do one thing before you can inherit it; you've got to win one million dollars in Las Vegas. The story begins in your hotel room, which is miserable. Point-and-click adventure games were rare at the time, so we can be indulgent with this one. The graphics were good on the French Thomson computer from which the game (known as L'Heritage in France) is ported. But the use of MODE 1 produces grainy screens on the CPC and the colours are sometimes awful. It's rather fun to play, though, for a short while...

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Screenshot of Los Inhumanos
Los Inhumanos
(Delta Soft, 1990)

Los Inhumanos are a well known pop group in Spain, and this game is apparently based around one of their songs. Zufuru's beloved Simca 1000 car has been stolen and his girlfriend has been kidnapped by the rival Rokopiedras gang. Zufuru must find the four pieces of the car, then head to New York and enter the Empire State Building where his girlfriend is being held captive. The graphics are very bright and colourful and a fairly jolly tune plays throughout the game, although there are no sound effects. However, the enemies that you encounter frequently are difficult to defeat, and the range of enemies and the landscape are very surreal – since when did one find mailboxes and dustbins in a prehistoric setting?

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Screenshot of Insector Hecti in the Interchange
Insector Hecti in the Interchange
(Hi-Tec, 1991)

Victor Virus and his hordes of minions have invaded the highly sensitive Interchange – a network of interlinked corridors. Each of the 50 levels is laid out like a maze, but some of the walls of the corridors have been jumbled up so that some corridors are cut off from others. You have to rotate the appropriate sections so that all the corridors are once again linked. Of course, Victor Virus' gang of insects and aliens are also wandering the corridors, and you can either shoot them or rotate a section just as they are approaching you, which crushes and kills them. There are also several types of power-up to collect on each level. This is a cheerful little puzzle game with clear graphics and good sound effects, and with 50 levels, you'll be occupied for some time.

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Screenshot of Inside Outing
Inside Outing
(The Edge, 1987)

Mrs. Crutcher's rich husband died recently, and he hid twelve diamonds within his mansion – but he never told his wife where they were located. Mrs. Crutcher would like to know where all the diamonds are located, so she employs someone to help her find them. You can only carry one diamond at a time, and each diamond has to be brought to Mrs. Crutcher. Her husband was also a scientist, and some of his creations – giant mice and birds – roam the rooms and will deplete your energy upon contact with them, although they can be stopped in their tracks if you find the right objects. This game was later re-released as Raffles, and the isometric graphics are absolutely wonderful. Unfortunately, I found it too difficult; the diamonds seem to be too well hidden, and the birds tend to drain your energy very quickly.

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Screenshot of International Ninja Rabbits
International Ninja Rabbits
(Microvalue, 1991)

I wonder if this idea of ninja rabbits was based on the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles? It's a thought... You're one such rabbit, travelling through cities in Japan, the USA and Italy in order to save a factory from destruction. However, there are other humans and animals who are experienced in martial arts out to stop you. You can also pick up carrots which give you an extra life, which helps to make the game very easy, even on the hard difficulty level. It's also very slow; these ninjas seem to behave more like pensioners! There are only three stages in the game, and the graphics show that it's a nasty Spectrum port.

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Screenshot of International Rugby
International Rugby
(Artic, 1986)
Reviewed by CPC4eva

While rugby is a popular sport, few rugby games were released for the CPC. This game includes options for one or two players, and you can practice or play a championship league. The screen is reminiscent of Football Manager 2, being split into three sections, which can be annoying at times when you are carrying the ball into the next screen and find it's been taken from you. The player sprites aren't too bad, although they are on the small side. The tune that plays during the game is OK but can become repetitive and irritating after a while. Scrums, tackles, lineouts, kicks, tries and conversions are all present. It will take a bit of practice to get used to retrieving the ball knowing which player is nearest to the opponent carrying the ball. However, the game lacks some decent speed.

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