Transfer service


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CP/M (and some Commodore) disk and file transfer service

Now it's easy for you:
Just send me disk image files, CP/M files or floppy disks,
I will send you disks or files back.

Main intention: I would like to help vintage computer enthusiasts.

Case A:

You have a CP/M floppy disk, but you want to work with the files on your PC.
You have no floppy disk drive, or you can't read it with your PC.

Solution A:
Send the floppy disk (please try to protect the disks as good as you can) to me, I will send you files back on a PC formatted floppy disk, on USB memory stick or just via email (packed in a ZIP archive file).

Case B:
You have a CP/M floppy disk image file, but you can't write it to a real floppy disk.
As a result, you would like to get a boot disk for you old CP/M computer.

Solution B:
Send me the disk image file, I will try to produce a physical floppy disk.

Case C:
You have files, but you can't write them on a (physical) CP/M floppy disk.

Solution C:
Send me the files, I will try to produce a physical floppy disk.

The service is not for free (it cost time and some effort with my old hardware), but I do not want to become rich with that, so it's just meant as a small award for the work itself...

What are the next steps ?

First, please contact me by email (remove the "NOSPAM." !). I will check if I am able to read the format you will mention. At the moment, only 5.25 inch floppy disks with 48TPI (40 tracks) floppy disks are possible. I have also an 8 inch drive, and also a 96TPI drive (80 tracks), but satisfying results with the last mentioned other drives are sometimes difficult to get. If you really insist in trying that, this cost me much more effort (= more time).
A first overview what formats I can handle is here, I am also able to transfer Commodore C64 and C128 files or disks from or to a PC.

For each floppy disk I have to process I will charge 5 Euro, regardless of how many files are on it. Additional postage for sending physical disks depends on your country you are living (I am from germany, so cheapest is from germany to germany of course). Promised, I will try to figure out the cheapest postal method and I charge additionally only the real postal rate, nothing else.


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