Compaq C
Language Reference Manual

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B.30 Enumeration Specifiers (§

The Standard specifies that each enumerated type be compatible with an implementation-defined integer type. In Compaq C, each enumerated type is compatible with the signed int type.

B.31 Type Qualifiers (§3.5.3)

The volatile storage class is specified for those variables that can be modified in ways unknown to the compiler. Thus, if an object is declared volatile, every reference to the object in the source code results in a reference to memory in the object code.

B.32 Declarators (§3.5.4)

There is no internal limit on the number of pointer, function or array declarators that can modify an arithmetic, structure, union, or incomplete type.

B.33 Initialization (§3.5.7)

C allows initializers to be optionally surrounded by braces ( { } ) when they are not logically necessary. This has resulted in aggregate initializers with partially ignored braces that are parsed differently depending on the type of parser implemented (bottom-up or top-down). The Standard has specified the top-down parse originally specified in Kernighan and Ritchie's The C Programming Language. Programs depending on a bottom-up parse (common C parse) of partially braced initializers can yield unexpected results. Even though this construct is allowed, a warning message is given to inform the user of ignored braces when in common C mode or if using the check option.

B.34 The switch Statement (§

There is no limit on the number of case labels in a switch statement.

B.35 External Object Definitions (§3.7.2)

In common C mode, all extern objects have file scope.

B.36 Conditional Inclusion (§3.8.1)

Previous preprocessors have allowed extraneous text after a preprocessor directive. For example:

        #endif system1 

However, the Standard has stated that the only text allowed after a preprocessing directive is a comment. Therefore, the Compaq C compiler issues a warning message if this syntax rule is violated.

The numeric value for character constants within #if and #elif directives matches the value obtained when an identical character constant occurs in expressions that are not part of these directives.

B.37 Source File Inclusion (§3.8.2)

Source files can be included using either a quoted path name ( #include "stdio.h" ) or bracketed path names ( #include <stdio.h> ). OpenVMS systems also support a method of including modules from a text library. See your platform-specific Compaq C documentation for the search-path algorithm for including source files.

B.38 Macro Replacement---Predefined Macro Names (§3.8.3)

In addition to the predefined macro names defined in the Standard, the Compaq C compiler defines other preprocessor macros for various identification purposes. When the compiler is invoked, the appropriate identification macros are defined depending on the operating system, architecture, language, compiler mode, and other environment variables. You can reference these macros in #ifdef preprocessor directives to isolate code that applies to a particular environment.

Each Compaq C platform can have additional predefined macros. See your platform-specific Compaq C documentation for more information.

Table B-1 shows the predefined macro names for Tru64 UNIX.

Table B-1 Tru64 UNIX Predefined Macro Names
  Macro Name
Operating system name: unix
Architecture name: __alpha
Product name: __DECC

Table B-2 shows the predefined macro names for OpenVMS VAX and Alpha systems. All forms are defined unless strict ANSI mode is in effect, in which case only the new spellings are defined.

Table B-2 OpenVMS VAX and Alpha Predefined Macro Names
  New Spelling Traditional Spelling
Operating system name: __vms vms
  __vms_version vms_version
Architecture name: __vax (VAX) vax (VAX)
  __alpha (ALPHA) ---
  __ALPHA (ALPHA) ---
  __Alpha_AXP (ALPHA) ---
  __32BITS (ALPHA) ---
Product name: __vaxc vaxc
  __vax11c vax11c
  __VAX11C VAX11C
  __STDC__ ---
  __DECC ---
  __DECC_VER ---
Compiler Mode: __DECC_MODE_STRICT --
Floating-Point: __D_FLOAT --
  __G_FLOAT --
  __X_FLOAT (ALPHA) --

You can explicitly define the macros in Table B-3 to control which C library routines are declared in header files and to obtain standards conformance checking. To define these macros use one of the following:

Table B-3 Library Routine Standards Conformance Macros---All platforms
Macro Standard
_AES_SOURCE (TRU64 UNIX) Application Environment Services
_OSF_SOURCE (TRU64 UNIX) OSF compatibility
_VMS_V6_SOURCE (OPENVMS) OpenVMS Version 6 compatibility
_DECC_V4_SOURCE (OPENVMS) DEC C Version 4 compatibility

B.39 The ## Operator (§

The ## operator within a macro replacement list causes the two tokens on either side of the operator to be concatenated into a single token.

In common C and VAX C compatibility mode, comments can also concatenate two tokens because in these modes a comment is replaced by a null string after macro invocations.

This behavior is not supported in strict ANSI or default mode, where comments are replaced with a single space.

B.40 Error Directive (§3.8.5)

The #error directive causes an error message to be issued and the compilation to cease.

B.41 Pragma Directive (§3.8.6)

The Standard's approved method of adding extensions to the language is through the addition of pragmas. All unrecognized pragmas are diagnosed with an informational message. Supported pragmas vary across platforms. See your platform-specific Compaq C documentation for more information.

When only preprocessing a file, all pragmas recognized by Compaq C are written unaltered to the output.

B.42 Function Inline Expansion

Function inline expansion eliminates procedure-call overhead and allows general optimization methods to apply across the expanded code. Function inlining has advantages over macros in that arguments are evaluated only once, parentheses need not be overused to avoid problems with precedence, and the actual expansion can be controlled from the command line.

The following pragmas are provided to control function inline expansion:

#pragma inline (function_name [,function_name....]) 
#pragma noinline (function_name [,function_name....]) 

If a function is named in an inline directive, calls to it are expanded as inline code, if the function has the following properties:

Inline functions have the following properties:

B.43 Linkage Pragmas

Compaq C supports the #pragma linkage and #pragma use_linkage preprocessor directives on OpenVMS Alpha systems.

These pragmas are used for defining special linkage characteristics and to associate these linkage characteristics with functions. See your platform-specific Compaq C documentation for more information.

B.44 Other Pragmas

The following pragmas are provided for VAX C compatibility mode only:

        #pragma dictionary CDD_path 
        #pragma module title ident 

These pragmas correspond to the #dictionary and #module directives, respectively.

See your platform-specific Compaq C documentation for additional pragmas supported on your system.

Appendix C
ASCII Equivalence Table

Figure C-1 shows the ASCII character set. Each character's octal, decimal, and hexadecimal value is shown.

Figure C-1 ASCII Equivalence Chart

Appendix D
Common C Extensions Supported by Compaq C

Compaq C supports several common C (old-style C) extensions to ANSI-standard C. These extensions are recognized only when the common C compatibility option is used on the compiler command line. The common C extensions allow you to use the c89 compiler to compile code originally written for the portable C compiler (pcc).

The following sections describe the common C extensions available with the common C compatibility option. Extensions to the ANSI-standard C language are divided into two categories:

D.1 Extensions Compatible with ANSI C


1 Parameters to the function main() are only checked in strict ANSI mode.

D.2 Extensions Incompatible with ANSI C

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