Page 1: Sabian Island - Saint and Greavsie
Page 2: St. Dragon - SAS Strike Force
Page 3: Satan - Score 3020
Page 4: The Scout Steps Out - The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole
Page 5: La Secte Noire - Seymour at the Movies
Page 6: Sgrizam - Shard of Inovar
Page 7: Shark - Side Arms
Page 8: Sideral War - Sir Lancelot
Page 9: Sirwood - Skyx
Page 10: Slap Fight - The Smirking Horror
Page 11: Smugglers Cove - Software House
Page 12: Software Star - Sooty and Sweep
Page 13: Sorcerer - Space Gun
Page 14: Space Harrier - Spellbound
Page 15: Spellbound Dizzy - Splat!
Page 16: Split Personalities - Sram
Page 17: Sram 2 - Star Firebirds
Page 18: Starfox - Star Trooper
Page 19: Star Wars - Stop-Ball
Page 20: Storm - Street Gang
Page 21: Street Gang Football - Stroper
Page 22: Stryfe - Subway Vigilante
Page 23: Sudoku - Super Gran
Page 24: Super Hang-On - Super Pipeline II
Page 25: Super Sam - Super Stunt Man
Page 26: Super Tank Simulator - Survivre
Page 27: Suspended - Syntax
Screenshot of Spellbound Dizzy
Spellbound Dizzy
(Codemasters, 1991)

The fifth Dizzy adventure is also by far the largest – in fact, it's too large! Dizzy has been looking at Theo the wizard's spell book and has managed to send the Yolkfolk somewhere else, so now he has to send them all back again. There are a large amount of extra features in this game which make it better than the other Dizzy adventures – for instance, Dizzy can hurt himself if he falls too far – but that is outweighed by the sheer size of the game. It's far too much to sit through in one go, and the bit where you have to collect rocks each time you want to go down the wind shaft is extremely wearisome. The tune quickly becomes annoying, too.

See also: Bubble Dizzy, Crystal Kingdom Dizzy, Dizzy, Dizzy Down the Rapids, Dizzy: Prince of the Yolkfolk, Fantasy World Dizzy, Fast Food, Kwik Snax, Magicland Dizzy, Panic Dizzy, Treasure Island Dizzy.

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Screenshot of Spellbreaker
(Infocom, 1986)

The final instalment of Infocom's Enchanter trilogy sees you as the master of the Circle of Enchanters, but now magic itself is failing, and spells just aren't working properly any more. The journey involves collecting white cubes that are central to the use of magic, and you'll soon find that they have some very special properties indeed... The author, Dave Lebling, said that it "was intended to be a nasty, vicious and cruel, hard game and it succeeded in that." You rely on spells a lot more than the previous two adventures, and many of the puzzles are extremely difficult. Infocom meant this to be their toughest ever adventure, and I can agree with that. However, it's probably too tough for most people, and I didn't like it as much as some of their other adventures.

See also: Enchanter, Sorcerer.

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Screenshot of Sphaira
Sphaira (French)
(Ubi Soft, 1989)

You are an archaeologist who is looking for a lost civilisation which lies underneath the Atlantic Ocean. After entering some magic caves in a remote part of Peru, you emerge somewhere else, and your quest begins... This is an adventure which uses icons to select actions, instead of requiring you to enter them. A lot of puzzles rely on you knowing a magic word; you will need to use them either as passwords or when casting spells (and if you want to know one, ask for help at the cottage and the big tree). The graphics are fairly good, but the game relies too much on magic words, and there are very few objects to pick up and make use of. The procedure used for casting spells is also annoying and unnecessarily complicated.

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Screenshot of Spherical
(Rainbow Arts, 1989)

Wuron the dwarf magician must guide the Starball – a sphere with magical powers – through the rooms of the castle of the evil dragon Mirgal. In each room, Wuron must construct a path to allow the sphere to reach the block marked 'IN', before the sphere starts rolling. Wuron is able to create blocks out of thin air, but watch out for the ghosts and sorcerers who will drain your energy! There are plenty of objects and power-ups to collect, although you'll have to work out what they all do, and use them wisely! The graphics are breathtaking, although there aren't many sound effects, but with dozens of levels to play and four opportunities in the game to restart a level, the thinkers among you will love this.

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Screenshot of Spike in Transylvania
Spike in Transylvania
(Codemasters, 1991)

Spike has been shipwrecked in Transylvania, along with several of his Viking mates, who are now locked up in the dungeons of the King's castle. Fortunately, Spike hasn't been captured, but he now has to rescue all of his comrades. This is an arcade adventure in which you must find the right objects to solve puzzles and progress further in the game, as well as dodging the guards, rats and bats who will drain your energy. It's all rather easy, though, and it shouldn't take you too long to complete the game. However, I still think the game is a good one while it lasts, despite the monochrome graphics. The music is fairly good as well, and so is the animated sequence when you lose all your lives!

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Screenshot of Spiky Harold
Spiky Harold
(Firebird, 1986)

Winter is closing in, and Harold the hedgehog has to find food for him to last through his hibernation. Starting above the ground, you have to venture underground into a network of tunnels full of other wildlife, and you will lose a life if you touch any of them. Believe it or not, you get twenty lives, but you're going to need every one of them! Squeezing past many of the monsters requires the utmost precision, and it is very frustrating to lose several lives in this way. I don't mind the game too much – Harold is really cute – but most people will find it too difficult.

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Screenshot of Spindizzy
Spindizzy (AA) (Advert)
(Electric Dreams, 1986)

GERALD is on Hangworld, and he has to explore all 386 locations and collect more than 200 jewels in his mission. There are all sorts of puzzles to solve – you'll need to hunt for the right switches to open doors and cross chasms, for instance – and tricky terrain to negotiate, and you're battling against the clock, too! What makes this game so truly irresistible is that urge to explore a little more of Hangworld with each go. It's one of the all-time classics, and yes, I think it is the best game ever to appear on the CPC.

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Screenshot of Spindrone
(Atlantis, 1988)

The planet Fungii 7 contains lots of barrels of plutonium, and it's your job to guard them. However, the green alien Kermatoids are intent on getting their hands on it and have launched an invasion. You must shoot them and prevent them from stealing the barrels – once they've got them, it's too late! If all 27 barrels are stolen, then the game is over. There are three screens, and while you're guarding one screen, the Kermatoids are taking advantage on the other two, so it's quite difficult, although you have a radar to show you where the aliens are. Basically, it's a mediocre space shoot-'em-up which won't interest you for long, although the graphics are brilliant and the Kermatoids are quite cute!

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Screenshot of Spitting Image
Spitting Image
(Domark, 1988)

The greatest war the world has ever seen is about to commence. It's so great that even the Swiss are getting involved this time! This is a beat-'em-up based on the British TV show of the same name, which lets you match six of the world's leaders against each other – Maggie Thatcher, Ronnie Reagan, Michael Gorbachev, Pope John Paul II, Ayatollah Khomeini, and P. W. Botha. Of course, each of them has their own ways of fighting. You select an opponent and a champion, with you playing the opponent, and if you defeat the champion three times, it's on to another one. The graphics are brilliant and there are some jolly jingles to be heard, but it is after all a novelty game, and although it's funny at first, it'll wear off before long.

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Screenshot of Splat!
(Amsoft/Incentive, 1985)

Zippy the spider is stuck in a maze which is constantly scrolling within a section of the screen, and if he touches the edges of the screen, he loses one of his three lives, which can happen if you're trapped within the walls of the maze and there's no escape! It's probably not easy to understand this explanation, but it is an original idea, although the aptly named Zippy can be a little bit too fast, for you can sometimes run into the edges when you didn't mean to. The graphics are very basic and the colour scheme is garish, and there are no sound effects worth talking about, but it's still a fun game to play every now and then.

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