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Screenshot of Kong's Revenge
Kong's Revenge
(Zigurat, 1991)

Kong has returned to New York to seek revenge and has captured Mike's girlfriend. To save her, Mike has to defeat five other gorillas who are loyal to Kong, by climbing the scaffolding of five skyscrapers and knocking each gorilla off the top. Only then will he be able to confront the mighty Kong face to face! Like many Spanish games, this game is played in two parts. The first part is an unashamed clone of Donkey Kong, while in the second part, you run left and right along the top of a skyscraper, shooting at Kong's head when you see him. The graphics and animation are of a high standard, although there's no music. However, it's let down by the first part being incredibly frustrating to play, as some very precise positioning is required in order to make any progress at all.

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Screenshot of Kong Strikes Back
Kong Strikes Back
(Ocean, 1985)

Confusingly, Ocean released this game before Donkey Kong on the CPC. Like the aforementioned game, Kong the giant gorilla has captured a beautiful princess, but this time he has climbed on to a rollercoaster track. You don't play Mario, but whatever the name of the man you control is, you have to reach the princess while dodging all of the cars, by climbing ladders which are strategically placed around the track. There are also money and letters scattered about, and you can use bombs to destroy the cars – but you only have a limited number of them. The graphics are rather simple, but the music is a brilliant little piece which I could hum along to all day! The levels are generally well designed, and it's a nice, enjoyable little game to play.

See also: Donkey Kong.

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Screenshot of Koronis Rift
Koronis Rift
(Activision/Lucasfilm, 1987)
Reviewed by Pug

It's 2049, and you have found the Koronis Rift. Great treasures lie in wait for the brave, and danger for the foolish. Aeons ago, the Ancients abandoned the planet, leaving behind many marvels of super-advanced technology. You deploy a droid to search, locate and collect objects scattered around this barren landscape. You then have to work out what they are. UFOs hover around, too, and seem intent on stopping you. The terrain you fly along is drawn using fractal graphics, which are amazing – you start to actually think you're there! A complex game that becomes more addictive once you get to grips with all the controls.

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Screenshot of Krakout
(Gremlin, 1987)

It's Breakout time once again! This version really doesn't offer anything different to the others, and it's hard to see how I can recommend it. Unlike most other bat and ball games, the bricks are situated at the left of the screen with the bat on the right (although you can swap them round). You can also customise the game, with six different speeds for the ball and nine for the bat. This is welcome, because the default speeds make the game very hard indeed. Add that to a small playing area, jolly title music that becomes irritating after a few listens, and rather average graphics, and you've got a pretty standard game.

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Screenshot of Kubmic
(Futur Antérieur, 2013)
Reviewed by Missas

Kubmic is a puzzle game where you have to slide coloured tiles on a 5×5 grid to recreate the pattern shown. It is an interesting idea and it is quite popular on many websites. Thanks to Crackers Velus it has arrived on the CPC. To begin with, the graphics are in MODE 0 and include vividly coloured squares, but the background is just a black void. They could have added some interesting pictures instead. The in-game music is really good and atmospheric and you will not get bored of it. The gameplay is really interesting as it should be for a good puzzle game. This is not a surprise because this game is being played by a lot of people on the Internet. Thus the grab factor is very strong. Overall, another great puzzle game for the CPC.

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Screenshot of Kung Fu
Kung Fu (AA)
(Amstrad Action/Ocean, 1986)
Reviewed by Pug

This is a kung fu simulator of sorts where you develop your skill and thus earn the appropriate belt. The actual moves available appear limited and collision detection is often hit and miss. The martial artists on the screen look crude but they move and animate in a smooth manner. All of the surrounding graphics look a little bland, but a pleasant tune does play throughout. This isn't a game you would want to show off to your friends, especially when there are better games of this genre available.

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Screenshot of Kung Fu Master
Kung Fu Master (Advert)
(US Gold, 1986)
Reviewed by Chris Lennard

In this all out action beat-'em-up, you have to rescue your woman from some evil swine's clutches. Kick and punch your way up through five floors of his base confronted by numerous minions. These range from simple henchmen, to killer bees, dragons, knifemen and cunning midgets. You also have to defeat ever tougher guardians before you can progress to the next level. Despite its appearence, this is no simple game and it requires a fair amount of skill and luck to get near the finish which is almost nigh-on impossible. It's also less faithful to the arcade game than other 8-bit versions, but it remains a highly enjoyable romp.

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Screenshot of Kwah?
(Melbourne House, 1986)
Reviewed by Greig McGregor

The plot revolves around our unlikely superhero, Kevin, who seems to be a journalist. Your aim is to find out what happened to you before you lost your memory in the prequel to this game, Redhawk. At the start of the game, all you have is a press pass and a tape recorder. This is a text adventure that also sports some ace comic book-style graphics; however, the sound is very sparse. All the usual text adventure commands are present, but one of the more interesting ones is KWAH! Say this, and Kevin transforms into his alter ego, Redhawk. One of the strengths of this game lies in its comic book-style graphics, but the plot is very linear and you have to follow it to the letter in order to complete the game.

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Screenshot of Kwik Snax
Kwik Snax
(Codemasters, 1990)

The wizard Zaks has imprisoned four members of the Yolkfolk on four different islands, and you have to rescue them. Each island consists of several sub-levels where you have to eat all the fruit. The monsters are removed by pushing blocks around, but they'll reappear after a short time. There's also a bonus level where again you must collect as much fruit as you can, but this time, the floor is made of ice! This game is OK and I like the graphics very much, as well as the cool music, but like most of the other Dizzy arcade games, it's far too easy and it won't take much time for you to complete it.

See also: Bubble Dizzy, Crystal Kingdom Dizzy, Dizzy, Dizzy Down the Rapids, Dizzy: Prince of the Yolkfolk, Fantasy World Dizzy, Fast Food, Magicland Dizzy, Panic Dizzy, Spellbound Dizzy, Treasure Island Dizzy.

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