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Unfortunately, I've run out of space, therefore I can't accept any more offers. Nevertheless, if you're looking for a new home for you old computer, I can forward your offer to other collectors.

If you know about interesting links concerning computing museums and CP/M - as far as not already mentioned on my links page or my CP/M links page - please let me know.

Contact: Gaby Chaudry.

Normally, I can't accept offers from outside Germany, just because shipping costs are much too high. But if you really got a  r a r e  machine, let me know, though, and I will try to find a solution. For all other machines, you can post your offers e.g. to the newsgroups comp.os.cpm (for CP/M machines) and/or alt.folklore.computers
or to the Old Computer Market.

If you're looking for some old stuff, too, it's possible to put your request in here.
Just send me a mail.